Kids don’t just go from chewing on books as babies to reading all at once. Between the two comes the stage of emergent literacy—an essential part of building Core Skills, one of the 5 C’s at the heart of the Begin Approach to helping kids thrive in school and life.
Strong Core Skills (especially language and literacy) help kids throughout their time in school, so developing them early is important. Want to know more about what emergent literacy is and how you can help kids develop it?
We’ve got you covered.
The Short Cut
- Emergent literacy occurs before kids start reading, while they’re building important pre-reading skills
- During emergent literacy, kids start showing interest in books, begin to comprehend stories, recognize letters, and make marks to represent actions and objects
- Emergent literacy can be fun! Parents can encourage it by reading aloud, letting kids pretend to write, having conversations with kids, and more
Table of Contents
- What Is Emergent Literacy?
- Why Is Emergent Literacy Important?
- 15 Ways to Support Emergent Literacy Skills
What Is Emergent Literacy?

Here’s our definition of emergent literacy: the stage during which children learn the crucial skills that lead to writing and reading. This typically lasts from birth (or even before, as babies listen to their parents’ voices in the womb) until a child learns to read around age 6 to age 7.
Like other communication skills, literacy develops in stages, building on early foundations and becoming more advanced as kids get older.
The skills kids develop during the emergent literacy phase prepare them to be strong readers and writers when their brains are ready.
Components of Emergent Literacy
Emergent literacy consists of several components. As kids move closer to reading, they’ll start:
- Taking an interest in and enjoying books, including handling books and relating them to their stories or information
- Developing print awareness skills, like how to handle a book and reading from left to right
- Recognizing pictures and some symbols, signs, or words
- Telling and listening to stories
- Paying attention to, repeating, and using some rhymes, phrases, or refrains from stories or songs
- Making marks and using them to represent objects or actions
- Understanding that words are made up of letters, and recognizing letters when they see them
- Comprehending meaning from pictures and stories
These skills won’t necessarily happen in this order or at a specific age. However, they are all essential components of emergent literacy and will develop over time with practice.

Why Is Emergent Literacy Important?
As kids get better at each of the components of emergent literacy, they create a strong toolkit they’ll need to read. Like other complex skills, reading and writing require some preliminary learning.
For example, you probably didn’t wake up one day knowing how to make pancakes (although if you did, we would love to hear your story!). Instead, you had to learn what pancakes looked like (so you’d know if you’d done it correctly), how to mix ingredients, how to turn the stove on—even which end of the spoon to hold!
These preliminary steps make learning the final complex task much easier. It’s hard to learn to cook pancakes if no one has ever shown you how to hold a spoon.
Emergent literacy prepares your child’s brain with the skills they’ll need to read and write. And while this may sound complicated, it doesn’t have to be! Many emergent literacy skills develop naturally (and are fun to encourage as a parent).

15 Ways to Support Emergent Literacy Skills
When your child points at something and you follow their direction, or when you call their attention to noises, objects, or people in their surroundings by speaking to them, you’re helping them develop emergent literacy skills.
Here are some other fun and easy ways you can stimulate your child’s emergent literacy skills at home.
1) Read Aloud
Reading aloud is the most effective way for kids to learn to love books and the power of stories. Loving to read begins with loving to listen to stories!
Read-aloud sessions with kids can substantially improve many of the skills they need on their reading journey. For emergent readers, there are few things more wonderful (or effective) than sitting down with a parent or caregiver and uncovering the worlds that live between the covers of a book.
Reading aloud to kids also helps strengthen their imaginations and build their Curiosity (another one of the 5 C’s). While listening to you recount the wonderful world inside of a story, your child’s mind can run through images, scenarios, and colorful possibilities that lie beyond the page.

2) Let Kids Lead
As kids grow, their desire to be independent grows too. Following your child’s interests and letting them assert their independence can keep them engaged during emergent literacy.
For example, instead of you turning the pages during your reading time together, allow your child to dictate when the pages should be turned. This may take some getting used to for them as they learn the pace of reading aloud in conjunction with the words they see printed.
You can also let them experiment with narrating. Even though your child can’t read yet, allowing them to tell the story shows them that they will read one day not far away. (Plus the stories they make up can be pretty cute!)
Letting your child pick out the book you’ll read together is another great way to engage their independence. It gives them something to look forward to while reading with you and gives you insight into their interests.
And if you find your child keeps reaching for the same book multiple times, don’t worry—rereading is great for learning!

3) Take Your Time
Slowing down while speaking to your child or reading together can help them with emergent literacy.
Especially when we’re busy or our kids aren’t talking back much, it’s easy to start moving through tasks without communicating. But talking a lot to your child, especially in their very young years, can help them gain the skills they’ll need to read, speak, and write.
And we know it can be tempting to rush through a book (especially one you’ve read a hundred times), but slowing down and reading with expression can help kids learn too.
Asking questions is another great way to get kids to engage with a story. Consider these:
- Does your child recognize every animal on a page?
- Do they know what color this character’s hair is or whose hair it resembles in your family?
- Do they know what sound a truck makes?
- When you say the word “surprise,” does your child react in a way that conveys understanding (throwing their hands up in exclamation or even clapping)?
Addressing these questions can help your child slow down and take in all the details in a story, paving the way for reading comprehension.
4) Build on Their Words
If you like our last emergent literacy strategy, this one pairs perfectly with it!
As your child expands their vocabulary and begins utilizing it more often, you have the chance to elaborate on the things they point out to you. For example, if you’re walking together and they see a dog, they may point at it and say, “Puppy!”
Following up their observation with a cheer is great. Following up with more questions is even better! After affirming they saw the right thing (or correcting them if they mistakenly called it a kitty, for example), you can ask them about details and descriptions.
You could say, “Does this puppy have long ears? Yes, he does! Feel how soft his ears are. Isn’t his fur shiny, brown, and so soft? What a cute puppy.”
Injecting these details and descriptions into your conversations helps your child immensely.
By expanding on the image they identified, you’re directly contributing to their understanding of the scene in front of them. The next time they see a puppy in a park, they may take your lead and say, “Look! A puppy with long ears!” (Or, in toddler-speak, “Look! A puppy have long ears!”)
This progress can then translate into deeper literacy when they engage with a scene in a book the same way.

5) Let Your Child “Write”
Emergent literacy incorporates writing as well as reading. At first this may seem a little ambitious (how can your child write if they don’t know how to read yet?), but it’s not too soon to start practicing.
While your child may not be able to correctly write out words for a few years, trying to write helps them develop skills they’ll eventually need. It also prepares them for what writing is really like and shows them that they have the power to put words on paper.
There are many stages of learning how to write, and scribbling is the first step!
Asking for your child’s help with writing out short tasks is a great way to boost their confidence and their excitement about learning to write. Good options for tasks include grocery lists, birthday cards, get-well-soon cards, thank-you notes, or notes for their siblings and family.
At this stage, they may not be truly helping so much as mimicking you (writing their own “grocery list” while you do the family’s, for example), but it’s still great practice. And anything that keeps them excited and engaged (even if it’s trying to add “a million cookies” to the grocery list) is a great vehicle for motivating them to develop their writing skills!
6) Make Reading Part of Your Routine
One of the best ways to encourage emergent literacy is to make reading a staple of your daily routine. Consistent exposure to books and the written language helps children become familiar with letters, words, and reading in general.
Here are some different ways to incorporate reading into your schedule. Pick one or two that work best for your family, and go from there:
- Have regular storytime before naps and bedtime
- Read aloud at breakfast or lunch
- Listen to audiobooks in the car
- Bring books along to doctor appointments to read while waiting
- Use the HOMER app by Begin to practice essential pre-reading skills
- Set a timer for 15 minutes and have everyone in the family gather together with books to read (or look at) independently
7) Turn Your Home Into a Literary Environment

When you picture a preschool or kindergarten classroom, what comes to mind? You most likely imagine a colorful and inviting space filled with books, reading corners, and literary-rich materials.
Why not create this same cozy environment in your own home?
Designate a specific area of your house as the “reading nook” or “book corner.” Fill it with comfortable, kid-friendly seating options and shelves or bins with age-appropriate books.
You can also incorporate written language into other areas of your home. Here are a few ideas:
- Hang up alphabet posters
- Integrate letters and words into your wall decor
- Label items throughout the house with their corresponding words
- Keep magnetic letters on the fridge
- Have an accessible spot for basic writing supplies such as paper and pencils
The goal is to create an immersive environment that reinforces letter recognition and promotes reading.
8) Sing Together
Singing is a fun way to introduce language, rhyming, and rhythm to young children. Choose songs with repetitive lyrics or simple melodies your child can easily follow.
Create a playlist of songs that incorporate letters, sounds, and rhymes. Play these throughout the day. You can also make up your own silly songs using your child’s names or everyday objects.
Think of all the songs you could create—one to sing during diaper changes, one for getting your child out of bed in the morning, and one for bathtime. As your child grows, you can let them dance while you sing and teach them songs with movements. The tunes make learning a blast!
9) Play Word Games
Your child is never too young to play word games with you. Here are some ideas to encourage literacy at different ages.
- How big is baby?: In a funny voice, ask, “How big is baby?” Then, help your child raise their arms as you say, “So big!” Soon, they’ll raise their arms as you ask the question, and before you know it, they’ll be able to answer verbally as well!
- Peek-a-boo: Hide your face behind a towel, blanket, or book. Then remove the cover and say, “Peek-a-boo.”
- “Talk” on the phone: Hand your baby a toy phone and hold your phone to your ear. Talk to your baby like you’re having an actual conversation and pause to give them time to respond.
- Copycat: Observe your baby and copy what they do and say. Then, encourage them to copy you by making a simple motion or sound for them to try and imitate.
- I Spy: Say, “I spy with my little eye, something _” and then fill in the blank with a descriptive clue. Depending on your child’s ability, it could be a color, a shape, a letter, or a number. Once they correctly identify the object, it’s their turn to spy something.
- Photo Time: Sit together and scroll through photos on your phone. Discuss the images and provide background information about the ones your child is most interested in. You can also ask them questions; just be sure to give them a chance to think.
- ABC Hunt: Get ten sticky notes and write a large capital letter on each one. Hang these around the room and ask your child to find them. As they bring the notes back to you, point out what letter it is and make the sound.
- Letter Dauber: Write your child’s name in large letters on construction paper and hand them a Bingo Dauber. Show them how to make dots on the letters. When they’re done, they’ll have a neat piece of art to hang on the fridge!

- Sight Word Memory: Create your own set of preschool sight word flashcards, with two copies of each word. Then, spread them out on the table and play memory with your child. Take turns flipping two cards, looking for a match.
- Rhyme Time: Say a word and challenge your child to think of a word that rhymes with it. For example, if you say “hat,” they could respond with “cat” or “bat.” This game is excellent for reinforcing phonemic awareness.
- ABC Hunt: What letters can you find in your home (or on the road)? Start with A and see if you can get to Z..
- Alphabet Walk: Write the letters of the alphabet on index cards, one letter on each. Then, spread these across the room in ABC order. Ask your preschooler to walk from A-Z, calling out each letter as they step on it.
10) Draw in Whipped Cream
Spray some whipped cream on your child’s high chair tray or the table in front of them. Then, let them go to town, writing in it with their finger. Show them how to write their name and talk about the different letters.
While this sensory play can get messy, it’s a great way to introduce letters and encourage writing. Plus, they get to have a tasty treat while learning!
11) Subscribe to Little Passports

Inspire your child’s mind with a Little Passports subscription. Each month, they’ll receive a package with educational activities and games to help them learn.
These subscriptions are perfect for early learners:
No matter which subscription you start with, your child will eagerly await each shipment!
12) Read Wordless Books
Reading doesn’t always involve words. You can find some great wordless books that tell stories through illustrations.
Wordless books allow children to use their imagination and create their own narrative as they flip through the pages. This helps them develop their storytelling skills and expands their Creativity (yet another one of the 5 C’s.)
Visit the library and check out some wordless books like these:
- Tuesday by David Wiesner (this one is nearly wordless with only six words)
- Journey by Aaron Becker0
- I Walk With Vanessa by Kerascoët
- Red by Jed Alexander
- Fly! By Mark Teague
Who knows? Your child might create their own wordless book after reading these together.
13) Use Screen Time Wisely

Technology is a part of our daily lives. As parents, it can be tempting to use screens as a quick and easy way to keep children entertained. However, it’s important to use screen time wisely and carefully monitor their content consumption.
Install educational apps on your phone or tablet, like the HOMER app by Begin, codeSpark, or the Learn with Sesame Street app. Your child will have so much fun with these interactive games and activities that they won’t even realize they’re learning.
You can also make it a point to watch their favorite TV shows with them. Pause the show at certain spots and ask your child to predict what’ll happen next. Talk with them about the themes and lessons in the show, and ask them questions that’ll encourage their critical thinking skills.
By actively engaging with your child during screen time, you can turn it into a valuable learning experience.
14) Engage in Pretend Play
It’s no secret that kids learn through play. Encourage your little one to explore the world around them through pretend play.
Provide them with dress-up clothes, props, and other materials they can use to create their own stories and scenarios. You can also join the fun by acting out different characters or roles with them.
Try acting out your favorite part from a book or movie. Or tell a simple fairy tale and let your child act it out. There are so many possibilities!
15) Ask Questions
Children are naturally curious and have a desire to learn about the world. As a parent, you can foster that curiosity by asking your child questions and encouraging them to do the same.
Encourage conversation by asking questions about your child’s day. Choose open-ended questions like “What did you do today?” or “What was something good that happened today?” This will give your child the opportunity to share their experiences and thoughts.
You can also ask thought-provoking questions, such as, “Why do you think that happened?” or “What could you have done differently?” to help your child develop their critical thinking skills and expand their knowledge.
Emergent Literacy With Begin

Emergent literacy is the start of your child’s reading and writing journey, from learning to turn pages to reading books confidently. Reading is one of the most important Core Skills kids can master, and we built our award-winning HOMER app to help kids discover it through the power of play.
HOMER’s reading games are customized for your child’s age and level, meeting kids where they are as young as age 2. From letter recognition and how books work to phonics, sight words, and independent reading, it’s got your family covered. Just 15 minutes a day can raise early reading scores by 74%!
And to help your child thrive beyond reading, our Premium Subscription brings together a comprehensive bundle of our products to give your child their best start across the 5 C’s.
We hope our emergent literacy tips were helpful, and that you can enjoy watching your child’s understanding flourish. And remember, if you need a little help, we’re here for you!